Julia Cilleruelo
Hi! I am Julia Cilleruelo. I studies a Master in General Engineering specialising in New and Renewable Energy from Durham University (UK).
I am working at Green Delta as specialist on LCA.
In the frame of BIOALL I stayed one month at Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile where I had the opportunity to train students on LCA and evaluated some of the processes about CO2 conversion.
Jabor Rabeah
Dr. Jabor Rabeah is the group leader of the research group magnetic resonance and X-ray methods at Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT-Rostock) and the PI for the BIOALL project at LIKAT. Recently, he stayed at Prof. Qiang Wang’s group in Beijing Forestry University (BFU) for one month. He is very grateful for Prof. Qiang Wang and everybody at his group for the kind hospitality and the high-quality scientific discussion making the visit a memorable and inspiring experience which enables both sides (LIKAT and BFU) to develop creative and useful scientific ideas in the field of CO2 valorization.
Xingchao Dai
Hello! my name is Dr. Xingchao Dai and I am working as a postdoc researcher at the group of Dr. Jabor Rabeah in Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock, Germany. Within BIOALL project, I stayed at Prof. Qiang Wang’s group in Beijing Forestry University for one month. During this period, I have prepared the multifunctional heterogeneous catalyst for the reductive amination of CO2 to formamides and tested their activity.
Sebastián Cisneros
Hi! I am Sebastián Cisneros. I am PhD student at Leibtnitz Institute für katalyse. My research aims at CO2 valorization with special focus on structure-reactivity relations using Operando spectroscopy.
I have come to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (Colombia) to synthetize catalysts by physical vapour deposition.
Melis Duyar
I am Melis Duyar. I am senior lecture at the University of Surrey, and I am involved in several projects related to CO2 and biomass conversion.
I have come to Green Delta to perform life cycle analysis. It’s been a good opportunity for us to exchange ideas as well.
Silvia Parrilla
Hi! I am Silvia Parrilla. I am currently doing my PhD at University of Surrey in the field of biomass conversion.
Within BIOALL I have the opportunity to do some secondments at the company Green Delta under the suepervision of Andreas Ciroth and Julia Cilleruelo here with me at their offices in Berlin. During these secondments I will learn how to perform life cycle analysis to implement it in my thesis project.
Simon Haida
Hi! I am Simon Haida. I am currently doing my PhD at Leibtnitz Institute für katalyse in the field of biomass conversion.
Within BIOALL I am doing a 3 months’ stay at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 2022 with Dr. Néstor Escalona. During this period I am carrying out catalytic tests and I am studying the adsorption properties of the materials.
Veronica Navarro Ovejero
Hello! I am Verónica. I studied applied chemistry at Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid and now I am doing my PhD at the Institute of
Catalysis and Petrochemistry (Madrid, Spain) to work on hydrogenation
reactions using formic acid as hydrogen source. Within BIOALL I am
doing a 6 months’ stay at Universidad Pontificia Catolica de Chile
with Dr. Eduardo Schott and Dra. Ximena Zárate at N.Escalona’s group.
During this period I am learning density functional theory and I will
use this to simulate the interaction of the reactants with model
Carlos E.Aristizábal
Hello! I am Carlos. I studied chemical engineering and now I am doing my PhD at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín (Colombia) on hydrogenation of α, β-unsaturated aldehydes.
Lorena Santa
Hi! I am Lorena. I studied chemical engineering and now I am doing my PhD at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (Colombia) on CO2 conversion to methane. During my PhD I am studying Ru and Ni nanoparticles supported on different oxidic materials on the methanation and automethanation reactions.
Cesar Pazo
Hi! I am César. I am doing my PhD at the laboratory of catalytic materials of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. My research aims at using nanoparticles supported on carbon and metal-organic frameworks to transform biomass compounds into valuable chemicals and fuels.
Dr. Manuel Romero
Dr. Manuel Romero is researcher at Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (Medellín, Colombia). He is the PI of this partner in this project and is cosupervising two PhD thesis within the frame of BIOALL. He has recently visited LIKAT and CSIC’s labs to discuss the evolution of the research of his students
Claudio D. Contreras
Hello! I am Claudio a PhD student in the laboratory of catalytic materials of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. My research aims to use metallic carbides to transform biomass compounds into valuable chemicals and fuels.